Baby Boomers... You have a voice in American Wisdom and Memoirs
A three book series that you can be a part of!
By David D Dickinson and Americans Everywhere
I hope that you, as a valuable member of the Baby Boomer generation, will decide to become a part of this book project. In the very near future, I will be asking for written contributions through the website at Please consider this as your opportunity to speak openly and help take this from book project to a valuable piece of contemporary American literature.

In American Wisdom and Memoirs: Baby Boomer Edition, I would like as many of the Baby Boomers as possible, those people born between 1946 – 1964, across the country to participate. The idea behind this book will be to tell the stories you would like to pass on, to impart the wisdom that you have gained. Some of your wisdom and knowledge can be expressed by telling a story. Some of you may simply want to write out your opinions on a variety of topics, based on your experiences.
There will be a topics page on the American Wisdom and Memoirs website that will help to give you some ideas. Do not feel limited to that list. Open your minds and hearts and give what you have to give, because in the end, that is what this book is about… passing on what you have to offer to anyone that is willing to read. This is your opportunity to tell the world what you think and feel. Your entry will be your memoir to be passed on in print.
After going through the decades that you have to reach this point in your life, you have had many experiences, some good and some bad. You have made mistakes and learned lessons. You have had struggles and challenges and you have had victories and successes. You have stories to tell. Some of you have achieved great financial wealth. Some of you have gone bankrupt. Some of you have done both. Many of you have been married and divorced several times and some have mixed families with the challenges that come with this new lifestyle born of our modern society.
Baby boomers presently make up the lion's share of the political, cultural, industrial and academic leadership class in the United States. Presidents Bill Clinton and George Bush are both Baby Boomers. They were born in the same year and their differing approaches and opinions, as presidents, are only one example of the diverse values and attitudes that represent America’s largest generation.
From the heartland of America to its vast shores and borders, your generation, the Baby Boomers, have a wisdom that is unique to the American experience. It is made up of the values, beliefs and principles passed down from previous generations, many of which came to America in search of a better life for themselves and their families, and through your own life’s experiences.
Open your scrap books, your old boxes of pictures, your high school annuals, your boxes of memorabilia and most importantly, your minds. If you had but a few days to tell the world the one or two things that are most important to you or the essential bits of knowledge and wisdom that you would want to leave your children or grandchildren… what would you say? Here is your chance.
So, to Baby Boomers everywhere, I invite you to begin the journey of having your words of wisdom, your individual stories set in print through "American Wisdom and Memoirs: Baby Boomers Edition." The web site near completion and you will be able to submit your thoughts and stories right online.
For now, please go to and bookmark the page so that you can return and find out more. If you know of someone else that should tell their story and share their wisdom, please let them know.In the meantime, if you have questions or comments (we welcome fresh ideas), please feel free to email me at
I look forward to hearing from you. Please take a moment to read my first post, entitled "Contribute to American Wisdom and Memoirs." This will tell you more about the project and why I am asking you to contribute.
David D. Dickinson
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