Coming soon... "American Wisdom and Memoirs"
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Check back... the site will be operational soon and you will be able to submit your story right on the site to be published in one of three upcoming books. In the American Wisdom and Memoirs book series, you will have a voice in one of these books:
- “American Wisdom and Memoirs: Seniors Edition”
There have been many events that have shaped America's Senior citizens and it will be part of this book to tell some of those stories, but more importantly, “American Wisdom and Memoirs: Seniors Edition” will be about whom you are today and what you have learned from those events... how you see life today. Please share your wisdom and your stories with America. Don't put it off. Start now! America is eager to learn from you.
- “American Wisdom and Memoirs: Baby Boomers Edition”
Baby boomers presently make up the lion's share of the political, cultural, industrial and academic leadership class in the United States. Some of your wisdom and knowledge can be expressed by telling a story. Some of you may simply want to write out your opinions on a variety of topics, based on your experience. "American Wisdom and Memoirs: Baby Boomers Edition" will be the place to tell your story for America to read.
- “American Wisdom and Memoirs: Young Americans Edition”
American Wisdom and Memoirs: Young Americans Edition will the third in a series of books and will cover a very broad range of America’s youngest people. Together; as a large group of young Americans, you have had and will continue to have an enormous impact on our society, in many ways. Now that we are away from the late 80s and early 90s that generated the stereotypes that have tried to define you as a generation, tell us who you are as an individual today.
So, America...
Open your scrap books, your old boxes of pictures, your high school annuals, your boxes of memorabilia and most importantly, your minds. If you had but a few days to tell the world the one or two things that are most important to you or the essential bits of knowledge and wisdom that you would want to leave your children or grandchildren… what would you say? Here is your chance.
After going through the decades that you have to reach this point in your life, each of you have had many experiences, some good and some bad. You have made mistakes and learned lessons. You have had struggles and challenges and you have had victories and successes. You have stories to tell.
Please use this opportunity to speak to everyone who will read these three books being written right now by you and many others... because in the end, it is you that will be the authors. It will be you whose voice will be heard.
In the meantime, if you have questions or comments (we welcome fresh ideas) or want to be put on the "notify" list for advanced copies once the books are in print, please feel free to email me at
How can you contribute?
The website for this project is currently under construction, but I hope that you will go to and bookmark it and return often. As the next couple of weeks go by, you will be able to find out more about the projects and how you will be able to contribute your writings. You have already written something that would be a valuable contribution, haven't you?
David D Dickinson
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